Thursday, 19 September 2019

Hi friends
we can all create abundance in our life in every field. I am presenting a small discussion on how to use Law of Attraction in everyday life.

Change using LOA

If you want to change your present situation, you can use the Law of Attraction to do so.  There are definite steps to elicit change, enjoy your life, and continue to do so.

The first step is to convey to the Universe what you want. The Universe needs to know the change that you desire. Is it better health, more wealth, success, happiness, or any object of your desire?   Abundance means different to different people.   Your definition of abundance will help you manifest the conditions and parameters that will allow you to become abundant. If you attract your version of abundance, your happiness will overflow. It will lead to more satisfaction in life, and you will feel a new confidence.

Remember that the Universe hears the contents of your mind, and it freely gives what you keep thinking about – whether you are intentionally thinking of something or not.  So the first step involves making your mind clear about what you want and not to think about what you do not wish to.  Change your thoughts to positive ones. For example, if you keep thinking with anxiety “I do not want to get late,” the message and the associated feelings conveyed to the universe are that “you want to get late,” and then such circumstances and events will be delivered by the universe to you.  Therefore, instead think with confidence that I will be in time, of course, supported by appropriate actions. 

From this point on, all your actions, emotions, and thoughts will be centered on attracting the abundance that your heart and mind desire. From now on, there will be no more negativity, but instead, there will be only a positive flow of abundance in whatever form you want. As you burn the image of abundance at the very core of your waking consciousness, you will feel renewed and powerful – you will also be at peace with yourself and those around you. Let yourself transmit the vibrant frequency that will tell the Universe that you want your desired abundance, in its highest form.

 For example, if you want a promotion and if you keep fearing or doubting that you may not get a promotion, the message that will be conveyed to the Universe is that you don’t want the development.  You should not think about the uncertainty or the petty politics playing around the chances of promotion.   Do not say I don’t like to remain not promoted.  Instead, say I would love to be promoted and am sure that it will happen soon. Alternatively, you should visualize that you have already got the promotion. Think from a position that you have already achieved your goals.

The second step is to be happy and not grim.  Be thankful for whatever you have right now.  Count your blessings.  Happiness is the main attractor of your desires and brings everything fast to you.  Give joy to others too. In the above example, do not think and then talk about how people conspire against you or victimize you because it creates negativity.  Even criticizing others or the boss at his back is going to create negativity in your own life.

Happiness is the cornerstone of all your efforts. If you choose to be abundant and happy, you will continue to attract happiness and abundance, and you will know when to act so that you will receive even more happiness in the end.

Desired outcomes should genuinely matter to you, not others. Because you can achieve abundance only if you truly become happy after you have attracted whatever desires and results that you have set for yourself.

Every positive thought or talk has to be backed by actions.  Take appropriate steps so that the Universe brings you your desire.  Just lying in bed and visualizing will not bring you results. It has to be backed by proper actions.  In the above example, make yourself very useful to the company.  Become noticeable to your bosses and seniors whose opinion matters regarding your promotion.  Show your worth and become visible.

Then you must enjoy whatever you already have.  Do not complain about what you do not have.  Whatever are your means, enjoy yourself.  Celebrate even the small achievements and do even the small-small things that make you feel better, like listening to music, watching movies, dancing, going on a vacation, and so on.  Do not wait for big things to happen.  Enjoy every moment, even the work that you are required to do.

It is necessary to remain happy and also deal with your internal conflicts so that you keep attracting abundance; they may be becoming a bottleneck in the manifestation of your desires.  Do not be affected by other people’s opinions as to what they think of your actions and your work. Use your internal guiding mechanism to lead you in life.

The important thing is that you keep creating goals, and you believe that you will get the outcomes. If you set a limitation for what you can achieve financially or spiritually just because you have a particular set of skills and talents now, you are telling the Universe that you do not deserve to supersede your material wealth now because you are limited.

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