Thursday, 19 September 2019

Dear friends
Thank you for the overwhelming response through FB, WhatsApp and email. I request all of you to please comment on the blog also. Here I am with another article as below.

Forgive now
Forgiveness plays a vital role in manifesting your desires.  The instant reaction is that when in modern-day society if someone has done any wrong to you, he or she should be punished.  Even as children we have learned that good deeds are rewarded and bad ones are punished.  Then, why am I saying that we should forgive people?

It is essential to understand first as to what not forgiving others costs us.  As human beings, we are prone to make mistakes, either intentionally or unintentionally. We all have hurt people, and we all too have been hurt by others.  When people hurt us, or somebody cheats us or does something wrong to us, we keep a grudge against that person.

Out of the mistakes that we make, or those that others cause us, comes our pain, hurt, and resentment. This resentment escalates into hatred and builds into bitterness until it destroys relationships. It often leads us to isolation.  It also brings in negativity in life.

We carry that hurt with us all the time, and if it is very intense we may also relive it.  All this generates negative thoughts and emotion.  Feelings of resentment and bitterness against that person make us sad. Unconsciously this is what would be transmitted to the universe. According to the Law of attraction the universe will it throw it back to us?

The feelings of sadness or bitterness could also be against any event that life might have played on us in the past.  What was in past is already over and the universe is more concerned with what is happening in the present and the future.

When we do not want to forgive a person or an event, we hold a lot of clutter in our mind. Not forgiving someone or something takes a lot of our energy and generates negativity. Even a single negative thought attracts other negative feelings.  They crawl like ants one after the other.  So keeping this grudge in our hearts hurts only us and no one else.

Ultimately we are the sufferers if we hold a grudge against someone or something. The negative emotions weaken us.  Nothing happens to the other person because our thinking can affect only us and not the other person.

All the negative thought and emotions put obstacles in manifesting our desires.

Forgiving people and events bring peace into the mind.  Forgiveness resolves all of this negativity and complications. It frees you from the bondage of resentment and allows you to heal inside.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. said, “Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.”

But this not enough, the first person to be forgiven is you.  You may be having unresolved issues at the back of your mind that might be creating sadness.  It often leads to thinking that only if, I had done like this or if alone I had acted in a certain way or if only I had known the consequences of my actions or if I could turn back the clock and so on.  Every experience teaches us something, and it does not pay us well to dwell upon past mistakes. If you do not learn how to forgive yourself, you are setting yourself up for a lot of failure down the road. Non-forgiveness in itself is a limiting condition.

It is only you who can tear down such a roadblock.  Not forgiving yourself for the past mistakes or misdeeds leads to not feeling that you deserve more than what you have now in every aspect of your life be it relationships wealth or anything.

Now you must be wondering whether you can do so.
“Can I forgive people or things?”
The answer to that is a clear YES!
And the answer to when is  Now!

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

       Mostly we have grudges against people or things because we tend to judge.  The easiest way is to LET GO. Relinquishing the hold on initial personal judgment will allow you to let it go. Letting go will bring peace of mind and give you more positive energy.

      So, our mantra should be to forgive everyone and everything. If you let go of your judgments, you will start believing that nothing wrong and evil has been done to you and will help you in forgetting the past events.  You can start with a clean slate.  It will bring happiness in your life, and this is what you require to manifest your desires.

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